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From Memorization to Critical Thinking: My Evolutionary View on Learning Evaluation

by Monica Chung Exploring the world of Educational Evaluation, my mind often wanders back to my school days in Panama during the 1990s and early 2000s. Studying at my alma mater, IJA´s private school, I experienced an approach to evaluation that now seems quite traditional, heavily leaning on summative assessments. This meant a lot of summative homework, practices, exams, and quizzes, where the focus was predominantly on our ability to memorize facts, dates, and figures—a method that, while straightforward, often bypassed the essence of true learning. What is Educational Evaluation? Educational evaluation is the systematic assessment of educational programs, policies, and practices. Its primary aim is to improve effectiveness and ensure that educational outcomes align with learners' needs and societal expectations (Smith, 2021). It's a comprehensive approach that transcends traditional summative assessments, like those I experienced at IJA, to include formative assessments that

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