From Memorization to Critical Thinking: My Evolutionary View on Learning Evaluation

by Monica Chung

Exploring the world of Educational Evaluation, my mind often wanders back to my school days in Panama during the 1990s and early 2000s. Studying at my alma mater, IJA´s private school, I experienced an approach to evaluation that now seems quite traditional, heavily leaning on summative assessments. This meant a lot of summative homework, practices, exams, and quizzes, where the focus was predominantly on our ability to memorize facts, dates, and figures—a method that, while straightforward, often bypassed the essence of true learning.

What is Educational Evaluation?

Educational evaluation is the systematic assessment of educational programs, policies, and practices. Its primary aim is to improve effectiveness and ensure that educational outcomes align with learners' needs and societal expectations (Smith, 2021). It's a comprehensive approach that transcends traditional summative assessments, like those I experienced at IJA, to include formative assessments that provide ongoing feedback for student and teacher growth.

  • Educational Evaluation Importance

The significance of educational evaluation cannot be overstated. It is the compass that guides educational improvements, providing insights into what works and what doesn't (Johnson & Lee, 2019). In my time, the focus on memorizing dates and facts offered limited scope for critical thinking or understanding the broader implications of the subjects. Today, we recognize that evaluation can illuminate pathways to more engaging, relevant, and comprehensive learning experiences.

I vividly recall History classes during my last year at IJA, where exams demanded memorization of numerous dates and specifics of treaties between Panama and the United States. This emphasis on rote learning meant hours spent trying to remember exact dates and terms without exploring their deeper historical context or the long-term impacts on Panama's sovereignty and development. It made the subject less engaging and curtailed our ability to critically analyze Panama's pivotal moments.

Such educational practices, though effective in a narrow sense, didn't quite nurture diverse talents or foster a profound understanding of the subjects at hand. It was more about the quantity of information retained than the quality of understanding or the capacity for critical thinking. Reflecting on this, I see a missed opportunity for a more balanced approach—one that could have cultivated a richer set of skills and a deeper appreciation for our studies.

  • Pros and Cons of Educational Evaluation

Evaluations in education come with their own set of advantages and challenges. On one hand, the feedback mechanism inherent in educational evaluations is invaluable. It allows for adjustments in teaching methods and learning approaches, fostering a more personalized educational experience (Williams & Patel, 2020). Furthermore, evaluations enforce a sense of accountability among educational institutions, encouraging a constant strive toward excellence. They also play a crucial role in promoting deep learning, where students don't just memorize facts but develop critical thinking and analytical skills.

On the flip side, the stress associated with high-stakes evaluations can sometimes overshadow the genuine joy and curiosity that should accompany learning. There's also a risk of fostering a narrow focus on learning, where the emphasis is placed more on memorizing information to pass exams rather than understanding and applying knowledge. Additionally, creating and maintaining effective evaluation systems demands a significant investment of time and resources, which can be a challenge for some educational settings (Anderson & Thompson, 2018). Reflecting on my own experiences and observations, it's clear that finding the right balance in educational evaluation is key to cultivating an environment that encourages growth, learning, and innovation.

  • Self Reflection

The evolution from my educational experiences in Panama to my current understanding of global educational evaluation trends speaks volumes. It underlines the importance of embracing change, recognizing that evaluation, when done right, is a powerful catalyst for transformation.

I realize that the essence of this journey is not solely about refining methods or outcomes. Rather, it's about fundamentally reimagining the essence of learning and teaching. Through this lens, my experiences and insights call upon educators, policymakers, and learners to champion a shift towards educational practices that not only elevate learning to its highest potential but also make it a transformative experience for all involved. This call to action is rooted in a belief in the transformative power of education—a belief that has been significantly shaped by my personal journey from traditional methods in Panama to embracing global educational evaluation trends.

  • References

      Anderson, M. L., & Thompson, G. D. (2018). Challenges in Educational Evaluation: Balancing High Stakes with High Rewards. University Press of Education.

      Evaluation in University Education: Module 1 - Unit 1, (2024). Database, Canva. In Universidad del Istmo. Retrieve from: M1-Unidad1: Evaluación de los Aprendizajes-VIRT-2024-1-MAR-[1-A] ( 

      Smith, J. A. (2021). Educational Evaluation: Concepts and Practices for Effective Learning. Academic Press.
